If it has coil packs, you can't.
The firing order is 1342 and the coil packs are 41 and 32.
Thee is no distributor on vehicles with coil over plug packs
In a 2000 Ford Taurus , the 3.0 liter " Duratec " DOHC - V6 has the Coil On Plug ( C.O.P. ) ignition system . So there are ( 6 coil packs )
on the back side of motor
The 5.4L has 8 coil packs one on each spark plug. The 4.6L has only 2 coil block packs.
got to have both to fire
A 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix (with either the 3.1L or 3.8L V6 engine) has 3 coil packs. (Each coil serves 2 cylinders). Note however, the coils for the 3.1L and 3.8L are different.
The module is located underneath the coil packs.
There are 8 bolts that hold it on. First remove the cover to the coil packs, Then the coil packs then the vallve cover,
wire direct from + side battery to + side coil and jump starter solenoid
The car has coil packs and does not have a distributor.