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There is no set number but it could be as few as three.

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Q: How many cars make a fleet?
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What does Fleet Management mean?

If your company utilizes many vehicles, then that might be why fleet management was mentioned. Fleet management is the managing of multiple cars, trucks, vans, or even rail cars. It can improve the efficiency of the fleet, as well as reduce staff costs. A fleet manager can also make sure all vehicles are in compliance with government rules and regulations.

A group of car or a fleet of cars?

fleet of cars

How many cars are in a fleet?

Oh, dude, a fleet can have anywhere from 2 to like hundreds of cars. It really depends on the company and their needs. So, technically, there is no set number of cars in a fleet. It's like asking how many jokes I have – the limit does not exist.

What is the Collective noun of luxury car?

The collective noun for luxury cars is the same as the collective noun for any type of car, a fleet of luxury cars.

What is the collective name for cars?

Some collective nouns for cars is a fleet of cars or a line of cars.

What is the plural of fleets?

The Plural of 'Fleets' is Fleets... The Singular is Fleet eg. The commander had many fleets.

What is a group of motor cars called?

A Model. a fleet

What do you call a group cars or ships?

It's a fleet: a fleet of ships and a fleet of cars. I don't know about the two together...

What is a collection of cars called?


Is fleet of cars a correct collectove noun?

Yes because there are multiple cars in the fleet. Ex) You wouldn't say a fleet of soldier . . . you would say a fleet of soldiers

Where could a company get fuel cards for its fleet of cars?

There are many different companies where fuel card can be bought for a fleet of cars. Some of these include: Exxon, Fuelman, and Fleetmatics to name a few.

Collective noun of vehicles?

The general collective noun for 'vehicles' is a fleet, for example:a fleet of carsa fleet of taxisa fleet of limosa fleet of trucksa fleet of buses