There are over 750,000,000 registered cars (and counting)
There are over 750,000,000 registered cars (and counting)
There are about 30,152 registered Forex traders in the world but if you want to include non registered too it would be over 96,000.
10,000 to 20,00
1 billion
As of 2010, there are over 32 million registered Scouts in the world.
In Europe there are around 40,000,000 vehicles registered. 80 percent of the vehicles in the world are located in Europe.
the total teams is 103 registered with World Rugby (as of 2017)
world wide its estimated 8 million are registered players plus a further 6 million non registered
There are over 150 breeds registered with the American Kennel Club, and that doesn't include every breed in the world, which includes mutts and dogs that aren't yet registered!
As all births are not registered and published it is impossible to say