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Q: How long were people caught in the traffic delay in the cost calculation Doctor Hamermesh example did for time involved in an accident?
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Is this how you spell actident?

No, that is not the correct spelling at all. "Actident" does not exist in the English language.The correct spelling is accident.For example:"He was involved in an accident"."There was an accident on the motorway last night".

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Any equation. for example this is a calculation: 2+2 if you calculate 2+2 the answer is four. Therefore the calculation 2+2=4

What is the difference between being legal and being ethical?

Being legal means following the laws and not breaking any. It may not always be ethical. For example if you are involved in an auto accident, almost anywhere being legal means stopping and not leaving the scene of the accident. It does not require you to assist any victims. Any others passing by are not legally required to stop. Being ethical, or moral, would involve stopping and helping accident victims whether or not you are involved in the accident or just.

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What is occupational accident?

An accident that occurs while you are on the job. For example you slam your foot in the office door while you are at work.

Can an insurance agency find out about a claim or accident even if there was no police involved or report on it when asked about your past accident history?

Yes, CLUE reports monitor anything paid by any insurance company regardless of a police report. Therefore, only if you reported the accident to the insurance company or they reported it. If you did not, and they did not, and there was no police report(for example you did some kind of direct negotiation or something) only then is there no way they are going to find out.

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An example of a happy accident would be spilling your drink on a stranger in a bar, then falling in love and marrying that person. You would not have met but for the happy accident.

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insurance can protect you from a fear from death, injure, loss of property and also from a harm caused by you to somebody (for example if you are involved in a road accident but instead of being a victim you must pay a fine)

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The adverb of accident is accidentally.An example sentence is: "I accidentally spilt my tea when I saw how easy this question was to answer".