The train journey from Nottingham to Southampton typically takes around 4 to 5 hours, depending on the route and any transfers. For accurate schedules and ticket prices, visit With convenient booking options and affordable fares, you can plan your journey with ease and enjoy a comfortable ride to your destination.
it will take you about 48 minutes to get from Coventry to Nottingham
7.5 hours
It takes around one hour and twenty minutes
Approximately 1 hour 30 minutes depending on which train you catch.
The shortest driving distance is 174 miles.
About 1 hour 30 minutes from Waterloo Station.
Just over 4 hours.
There is no direct train between Heathrow and Southampton. You will either have to take the tube (underground) to Waterloo and get a train from there or take a bus to Reading and get a train to Southampton from there.
East Midlands trains go direct from Manchester to Nottingham and the journey takes just under 2 hours.
its an hour and a half from weymouth to Southampton drive and train.. don't know why they are the same .. train stops alot there is alot of stations before Southampton.... so drive or train makes no difference x
The train journey from London to Nottingham typically takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on the specific route and any stops along the way. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on train schedules and ticket prices, visit Plan your journey efficiently and discover affordable travel options for your trip from London to Nottingham.
96.8 kilometers