How long does it take to travel from ny to florida by car.
it's a 25 min. ride by car. roughly 30 miles.
About 18 hours.
about 4.5 hours
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 19.75 hours.
Roughly 15 hours, 45 minutes.
About an hour. If you want an exact time look up flights between Rochester NY and New York NY and check flight times.
a long a$$ time hahahahahaha
There is no name. There is no single train you can take in the US to travel from NY to California. This takes a train from NY to Washington, DC, then to Chicago, then to Oregon, and then to California. At best, the train ride could be called "very long".
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
21 hours of driving
it takes aproximatly 2min and 45sec if the horse has steroids.