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Q: How long is a regular atlas condoms?
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How long are the atlas mountains?

9401 miles

In what direction is Australia from the US?

on a regular atlas, Australia is southeast from the US

What is a long word for book of maps?

It is a book called an Atlas you can find it in your local Walmart or elementary school.

How long are condums good?

Condoms usually have a use by date printed on the back of the wrapper. Condoms are usually good for a year or two if they are stored properly. Condoms should not be stored in wallets.

Are there condoms for girls too?

Here's what WikiAnswers contributors say: * There are female condoms. They aren't as easy to find as regular condoms, and they don't really have any major advantage over regular condoms. * But there are many methods of birth control for women, such as birth control pills/patches/shots. * Yes they have female condoms. It's a ring that is placed in the vagina and needs to be changed every so often. * Yes there are comdoms that fit into the vagina but are used mostly to try to prevent STDs, sexually transmitted diseases. They are not as reliable as other means of birth contol. * Female condoms are also called diaphragms.

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What is the roman name for the god Atlas?

Atlas was a titan whom the Olympians disliked. The Olympians sent the titans to do hard chores or to Tarturus. Atlas had to hold the heavens as long as the Olympians were there. Atlas tried to trick Heracles or Hercules to hold the heavens in Hercules and his labors.

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What is a atlas mountain range and why is it called atlas?

it is called atlas because it is awseome. Atlas was the name of a giant in old Greek Stories who carried the world on his shoulders. Long ago, the giant's picture was often placed on the first page of books of maps. So a book of maps came to be known as an atlas. (From World Book Student Dictionary )

Do you get extra large size condoms?

Yes you get extra large condom sizes. They are known as XL condoms in many brands. Usually penis size range from 4" to 8" when erect. Hence some men who have large part the regular size condoms feel small. XL condoms are best for them with 20 - 30% larger in size. With its large reservoir it is a great comfort to those who need.

Why condoms are not safe to prevent HIV?

It is safe as long as it's used properly.

Write a long note on human made resource?

condoms!!!! because theyremind me of you