Very, Very long.
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Talk to your prospective employer about that. But as long as you are in generally good health and have good eyesight, there's probably no reason why not.
well it usually cost about double the amount of one 30 seater bus
Yes you get but they are more like a mini bus.
its 50ft cause 50yd = 150ft and buses dont get that big
About the size of a bus, or as you can say it was 50 feet long.
In the UK: A 50 seater bus is usually 2.5m (8'21/2") wide (though more recent buses are occasionally slightly wider at something like 2.55m or 8'4") As to height, they have gradually been getting higher. The vehicle I learnt in was about 3.2m (10'6"), I then drove one 3.5m (11'6") high regularly (before the double deck, 71 seater, at 4m or 13'2" high I now drive) and there are others at 3.66m (12') or [slightly] higher that are single deck, 53 (or less, with tables) seaters. Length wise, the buses are usually 12m (39'7", usually rounded to 40') long, though more recent ones are 13m (42'8") long.
looking for certification for a 17 seater ford transit mini bus, its year 2002 .