As long as the agency imposing the tax chooses to make it last and has the authority to impose such a tax.
As long as the agency imposing the tax chooses to make it last and has the authority to impose such a tax.
Property tax liens do not expire.
You will pay sales tax where you register the vehicle. Last time I checked Florida has sales tax...
Sales tax on cars is different that with other items. The tax depends on where the car is registered. Therefore, an Oregonian can buy a car free of sales tax, as long as they will be registering the vehicle in Oregon.
Last time I checked, you did not have to pay sales tax in Florida if you gave someone a car. You had to pay a title transfer tax. That may have changed. It has changed a number of times.
To avoid capital gains tax when selling a car, you can consider holding onto the car for at least one year before selling it, as this may qualify you for long-term capital gains tax rates which are typically lower than short-term rates. Additionally, you can explore tax deductions or credits that may apply to the sale of a car, such as if the car was used for business purposes. Consulting with a tax professional can also help you navigate the tax implications of selling a car.
Yes in 2009 you may claim a $500 deduction as long as the actual value of the car is $500 or greater and the charity is certified.
Answer UK road taxyes you can buy car tax in advance in the UK not sure how long but am allways when i want it to start
no there is no tax for repair car in pakistan.
I had a car that was financed through HSBC repossessed last year. It was repossessed. Can HSBC take my federal income tax refund for this repossession?
The car tax is usually included when you purchase a travel trailer. If you buy it used you must report it at the endd of the year.