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Until the reason it's been impounded is cleared, and the impound fees have been paid.

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Q: How long does your car have to sit in impound?
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Related questions

How soon will the impound sell your car in KY?

Impound will sell your car after the impound fees are higher than the value of the vehicle.

How much will it cost to get your car out of the impound in California?

Depends on how long it's been impounded, which agency or private company is running the impound lot, and whether or not you'll need to have it towed out of impound (e.g., if your registration is expired, you won't be allowed to drive it out).

Can you take your stuff out of the car while its in impound?

NO! you cant its impound for a reason good luck

How much does it cost to get a car out of impound?

it depends on the car

What happen when you have a title loan and the car gets booted?

It's still your car as long as you pay for it. You are expected to pay impound to get it back.......................but they have the title

How can you get your car out of police impound in the united kingdom?

Contact the impound lot or police dept to find out what to do.

Can the impound sell a leased car?

Yes, they can and often they do to cover the unpaid balance of impound fees.

What happens if you don't pay the car impound?

Depending on what your state laws are, the impound lot will auction your car to try to pay the storage bill.

Why would the police impound a car?

The police may impound a car if it is involved in a crime, abandoned, illegally parked, or if the driver is arrested and the car needs to be removed from the scene.

How long can i drive my car with a expired decal in South Carolina?

Until the police spot you and impound your car. You cannot operate your vehicle with expired tags.

Is it legal to take your car back from impound without pay?

If the impound releases it to you then it is okay, otherwise it is theft.

Impound car need to find?

A way out.