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If you still have a loan on the car, the money will go directly to the repair place. That is to protect the lender in helping to maintain the value of the car. If you are looking for direct payment for repairs that you are doing yourself, make sure you are presenting the charges to them in the manner they expect. It will expedite things.

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Q: How long does the insurance have to pay you for an auto accident?
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What happens if you fall out of a moving truck?

Whoever the victim is, their auto insurance will cover medical bills. This happened to me... As long as there was no auto accident and no damage to the vehicle, your auto insurance will pay for your injuries. If there is an auto accident that causes you to fall out of the moving vehicle, I am not sure how that would work...

How long does an auto accident stay on your auto insurance?

It depends, your best bet is to pay the money and get a lawyer at this point. No one wants to pay for damages anymore even if it was their fault.

Will your medical insurance cover you in an auto accident?

Yes it should, but the auto insurance company may have to pay the medical insurance after the claim is paid.

Can liability insurance cover fines and penalties?

If your asking will your auto liability insurance pay for a traffic citation, No. They don't pay for the illegal acts of the insured. Your auto liability insurance is accident insurance.

If you don't have insurance and you get in an accident can you get insurance so that it can help you pay for the auto?

No, it doesn't work that way.

Will your health insurance pay first if you are in a car accident?

No. You auto insurance has to pay first before the health insurance will begin to pay. Usually they want a letter from your auto insurance carrier to prove that all medical payments coverage on your auto insurance has been exhausted.

When you are in an auto accident with no insurance will the other persons insurance pay for their cars damages?

Their insurance policy will pay for their own car. However you must know it's against the law not to have insurance coverage for your auto.

If you have an auto accident and don't have insurance will the person responsible for the accident insurance pay for your repairs?

dont do nothing just relax and watch a movie

How long does it take for the insurance to pay out when in an accident?

Depends on what insurance company it is.

Just what exactly is auto insurance?

Auto insurance protects you against financial loss if you have an accident. It is a contract between you and the insurance company. You agree to pay the premium and the insurance company agrees to pay your losses as defined in your policy.

How long pay insurance premium to Insurance Company after truck accident?

You will continue to pay insurance premium to renew the policy,irrespective of the claim to be submitted after truck accident.

My wife doesn't have a drivers license can that stop me from getting auto insurance?

That shouldn't keep you from getting auto insurance as long as she is not listed as a designated driver of your vehicle. If your uninsured wife should drive and be involved in an accident with another driver, your insurance will not pay.