Your drivers record NEVER 'goes away.' It is a running compilation of your entire driving history and will always be with you.
FOREVERAdded: As noted above, such records do not "go away." Your driving record is a PERMANENT running record of ALL of your entire driving history.
Insurance companies will maintain a permanent record of the incident, and if you were ticketed or charged your DMV record will always reflect that fact. Your DMV driving record is a running compilation of your entire driving history.
How long violations stay on your record varies from state to state. In Maine, a violation will stay on your driving record for one year.
How long does a false charge stay on your record?
how long does a DUI conviction stay on your record in the state of Colorado
Most felonies will stay on your record indefinitely.
how long dose a dwi or DUI stay on your record in New Jersey
it will stay on your record forever...sorry
It stays on your record for 5 years.
A criminal record is PERMANENT.