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if you add a match to the kerosened grass it wont last long maybe 2 seconds at the most


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Q: How long does it take kerosene to kill grass?
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Possibly years.

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Atrazine typically takes several weeks to fully kill grass. The time it takes can vary depending on the type of grass, its health, and environmental conditions. It is important to follow label instructions and use the correct dosage to effectively control weeds while minimizing harm to grass.

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It really depends on how long it will take to kill each one.

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Gasoline and kerosene are both derived from crude oil but have different boiling points due to their molecular composition. Gasoline has a lower boiling point and evaporates faster than kerosene. There isn't a specific time frame for gasoline to turn into kerosene as they are distinct products with different properties.

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Devil grass is quite stubborn. Round-up will do the job but it might take a couple of applications to get every little piece that is hiding on your initial application.

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About 14 days if conditions are right.

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What will remove kerosene?

If the kerosene is an oil base "dishsoap" will work but might take a couple of times to wash it out. And dont let dry in dryer until kerosene is out (if item is to go in the dryer)