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Depending on the size of the motor, a small backup generator can take as long as five to ten minutes to start supplying adequate power to your house. But it's still a great investment if you lose power.

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Q: How long does it take a residential backup generator to kick in (on average)?
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Does a back up generator need initial electricity to work?

No, a backup generator does not need initial power to work. Once it senses that the main source of power is cut off, the control will send a signal to the generator and the generator will kick start and provide electricity until it senses that a stable power source has returned. Then, it would switch off and be on standby mode again.

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Importance of load characteristics of a generator?

I assume this is asking about the capability curve of a generator. A generator can only produce so much actual power (kW) at a specific power factor. As power factor changes, the amount of current flowing that is due to reactive power will also change. The total current Ix (reactive power) + Ir (real power) will cause heating in the generator, and so the generator can only kick out so much current, be it real power or reactive power. Reactive power is used to control the voltage (drag it down, or push it up) and change phase angles to push more power down specific lines. If the load on a generator is such that it's expected to generate power outside its' capability curve, terminal voltage may begin to sag (which will cause the generator output power to be less, potentially exacerbating the problem), or may float too high (potentially damaging equipment). Excessive heating in the generator can also result, and protective devices may kick in to trip the generator off line.

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Where does the backup switch mount on a 4 speed in a 68 mustang?

Look on the drivers side of the tranny at the shifter linkage.You'll need to pop the kick-down cable off and then remove the two small bolts

Why do you need emergency generators?

What is a emergency generator, it is a back up generator for in case you loose power during a storm or even a earthquake. An emergency generator restores your power but for a special limit of time depending on how much gas or energy it has left, how do they work, well they work like this, if you loose power they kick in and bring your power back for a limited time because of the gas and depends on how much gas is in them.

What is a backup power source?

In situations where the supply of electrical power is critical it is necessary to plan for a situation where the mains electrical supply goes down. The plans usually include a store of battery power that will kick in immediately (called a UPS) giving time for standby generators to come on line. This system is called a backup power source.

Is it illegal for a child to ride a mini Motorized bike in a residential neighborhood in pa?

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