Just because a car begins to misfire does not mean the end is near. I means it needs to be serviced.
If the check engine light is blinking that means an engine cylinder misfire has been detected
Depending on the cause of the misfire, it could damage the catalytic converter.
Contaminated fuel could cause a misfire.
car shacks
when one cyl is not working right, it does not "fire"
Hi, When I Just Starting My Car Ther Is A Misfire Like Looks Like Your Car Will Stop But When I Presing The Gas And Going On The Way Its Be Comes Good So Misfire Only When The Car Is Working On N And My Car Is Grand Marquis 1998
The car's engine misfired, causing it to shake and sputter.
Buy a new car.
not to long at all you need to fill it up
Sounds like you have a bad misfire and are running on less than all cylinders. Check that all cylinders are getting a good spark if petrol.
I think you may be describing a misfire. If the car is old, replace the plug leads. They are usually one of the first things to cuause a misfire.
The car may misfire or not accelerate properly