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Q: How long does a roof warranty last?
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1 year

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The warranty on a Hoover Windtunnel is 1 year.

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Until JUST AFTER the warranty runs out.

How long does an extended warranty last?

not at all. An extended warranty is a scam that is being sold to you when you purchase big ticket items.

How long will a fiberglass roof last on a house?

There is no such thing as a fully fiberglass roof. If there was, it would'nt last very long as the materials inovolved in fiberglass (i.e. mainly glass) are not intended to withstand direct exposure to the elements. If you are looking for how long fiberglass insulation in your roof will last, your best bet would be to speak to a houseing contractor.

How long does a typical car alarm warranty last?

They average only a year.

How long does the tire warranty at discount tire last?

usually 5 years

How long should a furnace last?

Many furnaces have a 10-year warranty.

How long does the warranty last on ipod touch?

One year unless you get apple care which will extend the warranty to two years. Savvy

Are the Hyundai hybrid cars long lasting?

Yes, they are meant to last very long. Hyundai hybrid cars have a 5 year warranty or up to 60000 mile warranty versus the traditional 4 year, 500000 mile warranty on most vehicles so they are meant to last.

What is the life span for a metal roof?

Most come with a true 30 to 50 year warranty. You can expect a metal roof to last at least 2 to 3 times longer than a regular roof. In general terms, count on a metal roof lasting 40 to 60 years and beyond.