It takes 10 to 15 minutes to replace car batteries on most cars, not counting the time needed to pick out a battery and pay for ii and time waiting to get service.
Cause it is shorted out ,replace it.
No, as long as the new battery is the same as the previous battery and meets the required specs of the car.
form_title=Replace The Battery in Your Car form_header=Prevent a situation where the car won't start by routinely replacing the battery. When did you last replace your car battery?=_ What type of installation do you want?= () Self () Professional
if the battery gets weak and useless, then you have to replace it...
Yes as long as it is 12 volts. long as the cold cranking amps and voltage are at least that of the battery you took out of the car you are trying to replace the battery to.
No, replace the battery.
It is very easy to replace the battery on a 1994 BMW 318i. The battery can be found in the trunk on the right hand side of the car. All you need to do is to use a screwdriver to take the plastic clip holding the battery in place off. After the clip is removed, take the battery out and then replace with a new one.
Take your car to the nearest Walmart. They have the best price on your battery and they'll install it for you,too!
Yes, but it will take a very long time if the battery is dead.
well if you do nothing the battery will stay full a long time . and if you leave the light`s on it will be empty the next morning[i speak whit experience] it has happend to me. but the car battery of my car has not been replaced for 190.000 km[117.800miles]