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Depends on how well it is maintained.

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Q: How long does a 2002 Buick la Sabre last?
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How long is the 2002 Buick Regal?

The 2002 Buick Regal is 16 ft. 4.2 in. (196.2 in.) long.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Long Walk Home - 2002?

The cast of The Long Walk Home - 2002 includes: Len Cordova as David Sabre States as Annie

How long is the warranty against rust on the 2002 Buick Regal?

The 2002 Buick Regal has a 6 yr./ 100000 mi. warranty against rust.

How long is roadside assistance included with the 2002 Buick Regal?

The 2002 Buick Regal includes 3 yr./ 36000 mi. of roadside assistance.

Will Buick bring back Buick lesabre?

Who knows. It is possible of course but my guess would be that the name has been retired for good. After all the name was first used in 1959. That is a very long run for a model name on any car. Whenever a company ruins the name (like with the last generation Le Sabre) is usually when that name dies.

How long should it take to replace the starter in a 1995 Buick le Sabre?

about an hour and a half depending how much cussing you do. just did one on a 97 a little more plastic.

How long will a 1996 Buick Regal last?

With proper maintenance probably forever

How many miles can you get on a 1994 Buick le Sabre?

depends weather you take care of it or not changing oil every 5000km keeping the fluids at the right levels and not bagging on it, it may last a really long time. There are Chevy pickups doing 500000km plus no repairs. but cars arn't built as tough

Where is the catalytic converter on a Buick Le Sabre?

it is located on the exhaust assembly about 2 feet back from the back of the front passenger tire. itself should be around a foot and a half long and kinda oval shape.

How much does a Buick le Sabre engine cost to replace?

A new long block is pricey. (1600.00 (approx)You can get it rebuilt or get a re manufactured engine much cheaper 900.00 (approx) Then you still have labor to install, but that's at the hourly.

How long will a Buick Century last?

if taken care of 250-300k, fix the manifold intake. good cars

How long will a 1991 Buick lesabre engine last?

Modern American made engines can run several hundred thousand miles if properly maintained. Follow the manufacturers specifications and use high quality lubricants, coolants and replacement components and your Buick and other American cars will last a long time.