You pay as long as you would like to policy to cover you. Sometimes you can go monthly, but the policy will eventually cancel if they do not receive payment.
how long does it take for an insurance company to pay a loss wage claim
Auto Insurance.
No. You auto insurance has to pay first before the health insurance will begin to pay. Usually they want a letter from your auto insurance carrier to prove that all medical payments coverage on your auto insurance has been exhausted.
It depends, your best bet is to pay the money and get a lawyer at this point. No one wants to pay for damages anymore even if it was their fault.
You can pay for insurance on an auto that is not yours...but the policy must be the titleholder's policy.
US Fidelis offers insurance for auto-repairs. They pay the repair shop while you pay your monthly insurance cost to them
If your asking will your auto liability insurance pay for a traffic citation, No. They don't pay for the illegal acts of the insured. Your auto liability insurance is accident insurance.
Your insurance will have to pay regardless if the other person has insurance or not. You were at fault.
it is the computer that answer it
Their insurance policy will pay for their own car. However you must know it's against the law not to have insurance coverage for your auto.
Yes it should, but the auto insurance company may have to pay the medical insurance after the claim is paid.
If the president has an auto, then I would assume that he/she would.