You will need to contact your state licensing department and ask then what your filing term. In most states the required filing term is two to three years. But it really just depends on what the reason is that you are being required to file an SR22 and what the judge or state ordered in your case.
The registered owner of the vehicle can, the driver of the vehicle (as long as they have no ownership interest) can not. Right ticket, wrong recipient.
The Democrats have won in the state of Washington in the last seven general elections. To this day, the state of Washington is considered as a blue state.
Washington state is 71,362 sq miles in area.
A flight from Washington State to Massachusetts takes 4 hours and 50 minutes.
In most cases the SR-22 will be needed for 3 years from the date you're eligible to reinstate your license.
At least as long as you have the item(s) insured.
10 years
7 years
Maybe a month or 2
This may vary from state to state. In Mass, you have to have insurance in order to register a car (the insurance company has to stamp the registration form)
7.79 Miles
About 7,400 miles