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Contact your agent or the policy services dept. for your insurance company to get the answer to this question.

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Q: How long do a speeding ticket stay on your insurance in nebraska?
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How much will your insurance go up if you are 23 and get a speeding ticket for going 12mph over the limit?

You're insurance should not go up if this is your first time and as long as you pay the ticket. But you can contact your insurance company and find that out with them

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your insurance in massachussetts?

Last time I checked it was 7 years. If it's your first ticket ever it doen't count against you.

How long will a speeding ticket stay on your record in California?

In most states it is 39 months. It will also affect your insurance rates.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on license in ny?

I I believe it takes 18 months for the ticket to to used against you for insurance purposes. Unfortunately the insurance companies can view it for up to 5 years. I hope the helps answer your question. Drive safely my friends :-)

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your driving record in the state of MI?

they say 3 years but insurance companys will always use it against you even if they say there not

How long is limitation on speeding ticket in kentucky?

In Kentucky, once a speeding ticket has been issued, you have had valid notice of the violation. The statute of limitations no longer applies.

How long will a speeding ticket stay on your record in the state of Idaho?

As with most states, a speeding ticket stays on the record for three years. There is little that can be done to have the record expunged.

Can you get your licence at 18?

yes as long as you don't get a speeding ticket or anything else that can go against your driving record. yes as long as you don't get a speeding ticket or anything else that can go against your driving record.

How long does a speeding driving ticket stay on record in Arizona?

If it is only a ticket and not one of those 85+ misdemeanor infractions, auto insurance companies cannot see it after 3 years. If you took traffic school, the ticket does not show up at all.

How long do speeding points affect your insurance premiums?

Speeding tickets affect your insurance rates for at least 3 years in most states.

How long can lawyers put your speeding ticket case on hold?

3 months

How long does a speeding ticket stays on your record?

In Ohio it stays on for 3 years.