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If it is 32 to 40 degrees F no problem, it's no different than your refrigerator but milk will freeze if it goes below 32 degrees F.

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Q: How long can you leave milk in the car if it's cold out?
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yes, it may taste funny but it soon sorts its self out if you leave it in for 5 hours more

If I leave milk in the car for 4 hours can I still drink it?

If the temperature is above 35 or 40 degrees Fahrenheit I wouldn't.

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How long can a car refrigerator keep food or drinks cold?

A car refrigerator can keep food and drinks cold for up to 4 hours. As long as there are cold packs and ice stored in the bin, and the cooler is in a cool place, and not out of the sun, your food and items will be just fine with you the whole trip.

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