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Q: How long can you claim sick pay?
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Can employer claim sick pay paid from a personal injury claim?

In general an employee has no right under employment law to be paid while on sick leave. Consequently, it is at the discretion of the employer to decide his/her own policy on sick pay and sick leave, subject to the employee's contract or terms of employment.

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How long does an insurance carrier have to pay a claim?

1 year

Is is legal for a employer to offer no sick time pay no matter how long you have worked for a Company?

No the employer will have to give you sick leave once a year .

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Do you have to pay taxes on a cancer insurance claim?

In the USA you do not pay taxes on the Proceeds from an Insurance Claim.

How long can insurance company take to approve a claim and pay a claim?

It all depends on the state the claim is filed. If a state does not have a set amount of time of the company to investigate and make a decision on a claim, they are required to do it in a "reasonable" amount of time, depending on what time of auto claim it is.

When you are purchasing insurance what are you doing?

You are prepaying for future expenses. In a year when you don't get sick (using the example of health insurance) your premiums help the company pay someone else's claim. In a year when you have your own emergency, other people's premium float your claim.

Can a claim against your homeowners be cancelled after it has been reported?

Generally, a claim can be cancelled. If you do not want the insurance to pay a claim, the company will be glad not to pay it.

How long does the insurance company have to investigate a claim before payout?

I don't know, but they do pay interest on the $$$ from the date of death.

Does a main employer have to pay earned sick leave if an employee is injured and receiving Workers Compensation on another job?

The employer is not required by law to pay out sick pay while an employee is collecting workman's comp. It depends on the employer though. In some cases an employer may pay earned sick pay to an employee collecting workman's comp. pay as a good will gesture, especailly to an employee who has had a very serious injury and has been a long term employee who has had few or no injuries.

How long pay insurance premium to Insurance Company after truck accident?

You will continue to pay insurance premium to renew the policy,irrespective of the claim to be submitted after truck accident.