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The general answer, absent a contractual or statutory requirement is, "a reasonable time".

When a car is determined to be a total loss, it essentially means that the insurer has decided that the cost of repair exceeds (usually, some statutory) percentage of the actual cash value of the car. In that instance, the law requires that the be declared to be a total loss. The time consuming part of that process can be in determining the actual cash value of a car of like kind, quality, and other features. While there are commercial guides to help in that determination, often there is a period of negotiation with the owner as to the final value.

Many States provide that once a claim has been resolved by agreement as to the value, and all necessary documents have been signed (in this case, proof of claim, title certificate, and other documents that the State or the insurance company may reasonable require), payment must be made within 30 days. However, the period may be shorter or longer and State law will govern.

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Q: How long can an insurance co take to pay for your totaled car?
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In some cases you can buy your car back from the insurance company or from the scrapyard if the vehicle is totaled. You will need to check your insurance policy to see what type of stance they take on this purchase.

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you will have to pay a debt and GET CAR INSURANCE

What happens to a totaled car after the insurance co pays you for it?

Some insurance companies will sell the car back to the owner. Others sell the totaled car to a salvage yard.

How long does it take for your insurance company to make a deal with you for your totaled car?

Normally as soon as the car is determined to be a total loss there should be an offer made within a day or two at the most.

Is it legal for your insurance company to deny a loss for a car that was totaled?

It would depend on why the car was totaled and who's fault the accident was and what time of insurance do you have PLPD or Full Coverage

If your car is declared totaled does the car belong to the owner or the insurance company?

The insurance company. They have in theory bought the car or what was left of it.

If you totaled your car while drinking will your insurance still cover it?

No, they will not.

What is the difference between full coverage auto insurance and liability only insurance?

Full coverage auto insurance covers everything. If the car is totaled they will will replace it. Liability auto insurance will only cover medical bills, and not the car if it is totaled.

How long can a car be in the shop after an accident before the insurance company will salvage it?

Usually an insurance company will declare a car totaled before salvaging it. Usually they will know what to do with the car after taking initial photos and if need be pay a shop to look over internal damages if any. How long this takes is how long it takes for the shop to tear apart your car. Typically there is no "time limit" associated as far as a car sitting in a shop is concerned, but for me when I totaled my car the insurance took about 2 weeks to figure it out.

How do you know if you car is totaled?

You need to file a claim with your auto insurance carrier. The insurance adjuster will physically examine the vehicle's damage. If the estimated cost to repair all damages exceeds the total value of the car, then the insurance company will total the car. This means they will write you (or the lender) a check for the total value of the car before damages.Most of the above is true but a car is considered totaled when the repair costs exceed 50-75% (depending on the state you live in) of its actual cash value. If it is totaled you will sign the title over to the insurance company and they will take ownership of the car after they pay you.

How much should the payout be for my totaled car?

That depends on what the car is and how much the insurance values it at.