Yes, they can knock on your and attempt to contact you. what the lastest time they can do that
A long time if you hide it well!
Until you satisfy the debt you owe against the collateral. As long as you own the collateral and don't pay, they'll continue to attempt to repossess it.
The car is not yours, it belongs to whoever got the repo company to collect it. They can decide what happens to the car, if they instruct the repo company to break into it, then that's what will happen.
Yes, they can repo at anytime day or night as long as there is no breach of the peace.
You will pay the fees or you will face legal actions and more fees in the attempt to collect the debt. Your best course of action is to pay the storage fees for your personal property--the speakers--and avoid accruing greater debt.
Yes they can, as long as it is the correct vehicle.
7 years from the date of repo.
The contract called for interest as long as you had the car. IF they get a judgment for the balance owed on the contract, it will call for interest until it is paid. READ your paperwork.
A car dealer can hold a repo as long as he is the lien holder on the title.
Debt collectors will use any means for information to collect their debt.
yepAKA, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, nope.All a repo agency (or any other debt collector) can do is verify your employment and location. They CANNOT reveal ANY debt information (much less their intent to repo your vehicle) or even insinuate that you HAVE a debt. For more info on what a debt collector can and can't do, take a looksee at: If a repo agency DID slander you to your employer, please take the time to complain about them ... they have invaded your privacy and stomped on your rights!!