Once an engine has a blown gasket, it could die at any second. Driving such a car would be extremely dangerous as the engine could break down unexpectedly.
It could have a blown head gasket or a hole in the piston if it cranks and dies. Please clarify you question. Does it run for a little and slowly dies out? That could be a bad fuel connection allowing air into the system.
you lose power and the engine dies... you lose power and the engine dies... Or you go no where very quickly! (for pictures of blown seals go to http://www.noveights.com/id93.html )
Not very far. Even a few blocks could overheat the engine until it dies and needs a complete overhaul.
Run a compression test. If compression is down in several cylinders you've probably warped a head. That's a common problem after an engine has overheated, that's why it's so essential that you NEVER allow an engine to run out of coolant, and you should watch the temperature indicator. If an engine dies from being overheated you've probably blown a head gasket.
check distributor cap make sure cap is on securely and gasket in place between distributor and cap If there is gap put a gasket in Ihad the same problem with mine
Then you can't get it again without an AR code
i don't think anyone dies before regionals but jean,sue's sister, dies before nationals.
No when they are about to leave together mikans mother gets blown up and dies
Before the Music Dies was created in 2006.
The duration of Before the Music Dies is 1.58 hours.
i suggest going to nissanpathfinders.com and go to the forums, they know their stuff there
If you jacked the car up from the harmonic balancer you could have bent the crankshaft or bent the harmonic balancer and now it is no longer balanced. Hope this helps