The air bag light is on because the air bag system has detected a problem with the system. Once the repair is made the system will reset the light itself. One common possibility could be a faulty "clock spring". Take the vehicle to a trusted mechanic for diagnoses.
Once you have repaired the cause of the light, it will reset itself.Once you have repaired the cause of the light, it will reset itself.
The airbag light stays on when the computer detects a malfunction and sets a code. The fault needs repaired and the light will shut itself off.
Reset the light. Turn everything off. Turn the key on and off when the light just goes off. Keep doing this several times, the light will reset
The light can not be reset until the failure that caused the code is repaired. A scan tool is required to read and diagnose the codes.
The airbag light stays on when the computer has detected a malfunction and set a trouble code. The light can not be reset until the failure has been repaired.
By having a professional repair the problem that has set the warning light in the first place.
It can not be reset, failed parts must be replaced.
If you mean the airbag light. You need to have it checked for codes and repaired by a trained mechanic. The airbag system is not for DIY'ers.
You use a scan tool after repairing the cause of the code that turned the light on.
The airbags on a 2002 Chevy Cavalier are disconnected by removing the positive battery cable and pulling the airbag fuse. The wiring harness to the airbag can then be pulled to allow the airbags to be taken out.
I found that urinating on the passenger seat works well. You can also try inserting your phallus into the cigarette lighter to cause a short.
Information on this site worked on my 2002 GU Patrol