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It is generally of a higher quality than fuels used as heating or road transport, and often contains additives to reduce the risk of icing or explosion due to high temperatures.

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Q: How is jet fuel different from a car fuel?
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What is a jet fueled car?

Jet fuel is high grade diesel so a jet fuel car would use high grade diesel fuel.

Does jet fuel work on savage x?

No it does not work because jet fuel is a different compound then regular RC fuel.

How much is jet fuel?

I run my car on jet fuel so its the same price as diesel - - - - - Go to to find fuel prices in your area.

Why would a car refueled with jet fuel stall?

Because the spark plugs cannot ignite the jet fuel. Jet fuel is not comparable to a really high octane gasoline, as many people seem to mistakenly think. Jet fuel is essentially #1 diesel fuel.

Is a top fuel car faster than a jet?

No, next question.

Why is kerosene used as jet fuels instead of petrol?

It is not kerosene but a kerosene type fuel used in jets or aircraft. Jet fuel is a mixture of various hydrocarbons. Jet fuel must be free from water contamination. Synthetic Jet fuel and Jet biofuels are used in different airways. Chemically they are not exactly same as kerosene or petrol.

At what temperature does jet fuel freeze?

There are different types of jet fuel. Standard ones are Jet A and Jet A-1. Jet A freezing point = -40 C Jet A-1 freezing point = -47 C Google it!

How much does a liter of jet fuel weigh and how would you figure how much jet fuel is used for each passenger you are interested in the Airbus 380 and the Boeing 777?

There are 2 different fuel types but Jet A is the most common. Jet A / Jet A-1: 0.775 to 0.840 kg/L Jet B: 0.751 to 0.802 kg/L

What is in jet fuel?

Jet fuel is kerosene base turbine aviation fuel

What happens if you burn jet fuel in a car ingine?

You'd crank the car, the spark plugs would fire, and then... nothing. Many people think jet fuel is comparable to a high octane gasoline. This is not true - it's comparable to #1 diesel fuel, so it would essentially be more the same as putting diesel fuel or kerosene into your car. The spark plugs would not ignite it.

Is rocket fuel the same as jet fuel?

No. Jet fuel is closely related to kerosene and diesel fuel.

What kind of fuel does an airplane use?

Airplanes typically use aviation fuel, which is a specialized type of fuel with different grades such as Jet A and Jet A-1 for commercial aircraft, and Avgas for smaller general aviation planes. These fuels are distinct from standard gasoline or diesel used in cars.