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The insurance company takes the street value of a vehicle that has the same mileage and no damage from Kelly Bluebook. It is usually about 4000 dollars cheaper then you bought your vehicle for.

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Q: How is car value calculated when the car is totaled?
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What if your car is totaled?

Get a new car. == If someone hit your car you will be paid the actual cash value of the car. If you totaled the car and had collision coverage you will be paid actual cash value, too.

What is considered totaled in a car accident?

A car is considered "totaled" if the cost of repairs is equal to, or greater than, the blue book value of the vehicle.

What makes a car totaled?

The cost of damage to the car is greater then the street value of the car.

Does state farm insurance use the trade in value or the retail value of a car to determine the value of a car if totaled?

They use a market value guide.

How is the actual cash value determined if a car is totaled?

I think it depends on your insurance company. A friend totaled a car and they based the value of 3 or 4 values. Things like Kelly Blue Book and such.

How much do you get if your car is totaled?

You will get the book value of the car. You will get what the car was worth before the crash. Any previous damage will affect the cars value.

Can auto body shops fix a totaled car?

The definition of a totaled car is when the repair cost of the vehicle exceeds the actual value of the vehicle. Hence, although it is unadvisable, it is possible for an auto body shop to fix a totaled car, depending on how severe the damage was.

How do you know how to get cash value when your car is totaled?

The insurance company will make you an offer.

What is the salvage value for old auto's?

Depends on the car. If it's totaled and not driveable, probaby 10-20% of the value of a comparable clean car.

Does insurance help with buying a new vehicle if your car gets totaled?

Yes, they will help, but they won't buy you a new car. Once your car is deemed totaled, the insurance company will usually pay you the value of the car before the accident minus your deductible. You can either buy back the totaled car and repair it or use the money towards a new car.

Can you keep your hail damage car if the value of the car is less then the hail damage?

yes, but insurance normally will just say it is totaled and write you a check for the value of a car. its cheaper

What states has a provision that a vehicle must be totaled after an accident?

I don't know if there's a provision but, depending on which state you live in a car is totaled when the repairs cost more than 50-75% of the car's value.