it goes 110 with powerband going on 6th gear! kx 250 does not have 6 gears it only haves 5 and the top speed is 60mph-85mph!
my 99 model kx 250 does 85 mph
I think about 95 mph or faster.
As fast as it can.
A 2008 Kawasaki KX 250 can go up to 120 MPH. This is a motorcycle.
no 93 kx 250 had more performance parts on them
about 90mph :)
a kx 250 is about 4 ft tall
there is a few factors that can change the top speed , such as the gas you are running & oil you mix it with. but they can go from 60mph - 85mph max!
no 250's in gen are not that powerful is it was a 500 i would do it but i would keep the kx if it was a 250 the kx is way faster
as fast as you want it
75 to 85