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You must stop before your car reaches the line marked on the road. If your front bumper is above the line when you stop then you technically did not stop and can be ticketed. On the other hand if you stop more then about a half a car length before the line, you are not considered to be at the traffic control sign yet.

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Q: How far should you stop behind a limit line?
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Distance to stop behind a stop sign What is the maximum distance from a stop sign that a car can stop and meet its legal stop requirement in California?

Just before the first line you come to, or, the limit line. Too far back and you really didn't stop at the sign. There are sometimes three lines. One short one, the limit line, and two marked for the cross walk.

What is the limit line?

The limit line is a line that is painted on most roads. It indicates exactly where traffic is supposed to stop at a light or sign.

A limit line marks the beginning of a intersection true or false?

It is false that a limit line marks the beginning of an intersection. A limit line would mark where you need to stop.

Where should you stop at an intersection to ensure safety and follow traffic rules?

When approaching an intersection, you should stop behind the stop line or crosswalk to ensure safety and follow traffic rules.

Does A limit line indicates the speed limit for that road?

No, Limit line marks the crosswalk and the beginning of an intersection. If the light is red, you must stop before the first white line.

A limit line marks?

A limit line marks the intersection and sections out a crosswalk. The limit line is where the nose of your car needs to be when you come to a complete stop.

At an intersection, where should you stop?

At an intersection, you should stop at the stop line or before the crosswalk, if there is no stop line present.

In North Carolina how far from a stop sign must I stop to pass my road test?

The rule is to stop behind the stop sign. If there is a white line on the road, the vehicle should be completely behind it. Once you have come to a full stop, you may have to creep forward to see safely.

How far from a stop sign do you have to be before going again?

In the UK there is no set distance. The rule is that all vehicles should completely behind the stop line and proceed when it is safe to do so.

How many feet should you stop behind a school bus in Louisiana?

You should stop 50 feet behind a school bus.

You never have to stop more than once at a stop sign?

. False If you are behind other cars you have to stop. Then, you have to stop when you are first in line. Plus, if there's a car coming from your left you should stop again until it's safe to go.

What is a broad white stop bar at intersection for?

The idea is that cars stop behind it, in order to allow sufficient space for any trucks turning, as the trailer offtracks well inside the turn radius of the power unit.Added: It is commonly referred to as the "limit line."