How far between Romford and Alton towers
260 miles
Glasgow is a province in England while Alton Towers is a theme park in England. There is a distance of 220 miles between these two locations.
4 1/2 / 5 hrs
Shrewsbury, Shropshire to Alton Towers is 49.8 miles according to AA route planner.
If you are driving there... 23.5 Miles.
51 miles
It is called "Alton Towers" because the Alton Towers Resort has "Towers" which I think were built in 1980 when the Resort was first opened and the "Alton" Towers Resort is located in Alton, Stoke-on-Trent.
About 350 miles
10 million miles away
Alton Towers have there own hotel on-site. heads the name 'alton towers resort'
The Alton Towers Email Address is (