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It will go wherever the ocean currents take it.

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Q: How far can a ship go without fuel?
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Where do you go after putting fuel in the ship astro nights?

After putting fuel in the ship, you go to the moon. The ship crashed and you get to make your own ship. Your can change the design of the ship anytime.

How far can Air Force One travel without refueling?

I t is a Boeing 747 and holds enough fuel to go very far without refueling.

How do you fuel a cruise ship?

Go to a cruise ship gas station! ;) Or in port a fuel hose would be connected to the ship to refuel.

How far towards the sun can a space ship go without burning up?

They won't burn up but they will first roast the people inside then melt the space ship and then boil it. Fire needs three things to exist(Heat, Fuel, Oxygen.) In space there is no oxygen. That's why it can burn.

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If you are referring to farm fuel and how far you can go on can go as far as you can without driving on state, county, or federal roads. If I have misinterpreted your question, please disregard this answer. Possibly you could be referring to the use of FAQ Farm use???

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They don't actually have fuel, they have magnets. The track has powered electromagnets in it. The electromagnets make the train "hover" and propel it.

How far would a ship go from land to disappear from sight?

Depending with the topography, a ship would go as far as at least 200 kilometres before it disappears from sight.

If you remove the fuel of a fire will it go?

Without fuel the fire will go out.

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Where do you put the numbers in the space ship Poptropica?

Get the fuel rod and go to the ship and put 56 and 52

How do you use the fuel rod on astro -knights?

go to the mill and get the ship

How do you luanch the space ship on poptropica?

you get the fuel rod then you go to the ship put in x 52 and in y 56