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Just 1 day and a Bank or Lender can send out a repossession order, but some wait 30 days

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Q: How far behind on a payment do you have to be before they can repo your car?
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How far do you have to be behind on a car payment before your car is repo?

2 payment

Is it true you have to be six months behind on a car payment in the state of Nebraska before it can be repossed?

Technically they can repo your car after 30 days. Depending on the finance company

Can your car get repo cause the payment is 40 days behind?

That depends entirely - on the conditions of the contract YOU signed ! If it says your car will be reposessed if your payment is late - there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about it !

Can your cosigner repo your car if you are behind on your payment but not in trouble with the financial institution?

Amanda, if you are behind on the payment, youare "in trouble' with the lender. you are in default and could be repoed by the lender at any time. they just havent pushed the issue YET. Co-signor can only 'repo" IF they are listed as co-owner on the TITLE.

Can a dealership repo your car for stop payment?

Yes they can.

Why a bank will repo a car?

Non-payment of loan.

Can a car place repo your car if you have made half of your payment?

Not making the entire payment is still a default on payment. You will be charged the late fee and you will need to make it right with the bank or they will start the process of repo.

What are the repossession laws concerning a title loan company and are they able torepossess a vehicle 2 weeks BEFORE the first payment is due?

The repossession laws will vary with each city/state. A title loan company can't repo a car if the payment is not yet due unless the car is behind on payments.

If I am 45 days late with my car payment can they repo my car in Pennsylvania?

no they can't

Can the repo people take your car after you made a payment?

Yes, until the repo order is canceled by the owner.

Can a bank repo your car before notifing you before they come get it?

They should tell you that you have till A certain date to catch up all due amounts or they will "take action to collect the debt" that means they will repo. the vehicle, Some banks will tell you when and where they intend to do the pickup of assets, almost all banks will not do A repo. until the note is 90 sinse last payment.

If the lienholder repos car due to default and you never missed a payment and continue paying off car is that no different than a regular repo?

When it gets to your CR, a repo is a repo is a repo. Theres only one.