vechicle effect the earth by creating global warming into the atmosphere and destroying the o zone layer
biomass can affect the earth
The vehicles used on the Moon were designed with the Moon's gravity in mind. They would not function correctly on Earth. So the answer is that the Moon's gravity affects the lunar rovers in the same way as gravity affects cars and other vehicles on Earth.... it is what keeps them on the surface, and prevents from from floating off into space.
Ununtrium doesn't affect the Earth.
The primary affect on the Earth is on our ionosphere
Space vehicles are ones that travel in outer space. These vehicles help record scientific data and send it to Earth.
It affects it by killing people.
The ozone comes to earth as pollutant. It is formed by vehicles exhaust.
As it is portable it makes our travel by vehicles simple.
We affect the earth by pollution
The green house affect the earth of mealting the polar region;
They don't affect the climate. They are a result of the climate.
The Moon doesn't significantly affect weather on Earth, and weather on Earth doesn't affect the Moon at all.