Bicycles are a lot more efficient than cars. On a bike 95-98% of the added energy is directly translated into forward motion, while a car would be lucky to reach 40%.
While cars are definitely a faster way of transportation compared to bicycles, bicycles would probably be more efficient. Cars are very expensive and you must pay for gas. You also have to account for the distance and if its necessary to have a car for where you need to travel.
Bicycles give you more gas mileage.
Cars and bicycles.
bicycles and cars
Edmunds isn't an actual car company. It is simply a website used to compare different kinds of new cars. The efficiency of the actual cars would depend on the specific model.
To make then easier to be spotted by cars.
Depends on where you're at. In Europe and North America - certainly. Some parts of Asia probably have more bicycles and scooters than cars though.
buses, cars, bicycles, feet, and what else?
Depending on the model and manufacture the fuel efficiency of minivan and mid-sized cars can vary greatly. Even more if you include hybrids. Best case would shop around at specific models in each type and then compare their fuel efficiency.
Cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.
cars and vehicles Multi-speed bicycles