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The Otis elevator brake was built to suspend the car safely in the shaft if an elevator cable snapped. Otis started experimenting on how to make the brake by placing a wagon spring above the hoist platform. Then, he attached a ratchet bar to the guide rails on the sides of the hoistway. The lifting rope was next fastened to the wagon spring so that the weight of the hoist platform held just enough tension on the spring to keep it from touching the ratchet bars. However, if the cable snapped, the tension would be released from the spring. It would then immediately engage the ratchets, preventing the platform from falling.

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What did elisha graves Otis invent?

The elevator ('lift' in the UK). He did not invent the elevator(lift). He invented the elevator brake system.

What year did elisha graves Otis invent the elevator brake?


What did Elisha G Otis invent in 1852?

Elevator Safety Brake

When was the elevator safety brake invented?

in 1852 by Elisha Graves Otis.

Who invented elevator brakes?

elevator brake by Elisha Graves in 1852 I found this information on Need any help on school work go here. I Edith recommend it

What did Otis invent?

Elijah Otis invented elevator safety. Back then the elevators would brake down and fall to the ground, which caused the people to die. Otis invented a back up so if the elevator broke down you were safe.

Is the elevator today the same elevator that Elisha Graves Otis invented?

The elevator of today is not the same elevator Otis invented although it has many of the same features and works on the same principles. He worked out the counterweight, the pulleys, and the safety brake, or the basic units. It has all been upgraded.

When was Otis Elevator Company created?

Otis Elevator Company was created in 1853.

What is Otis Elevator Company's population?

The population of Otis Elevator Company is 61,000.

What invention by Elisha Otis in1854 made it easier to live in skyscrapers?

Elisha Otis in the early 1850's invented the first elevator with a brake that could lift and lower cargo and people safely. The safety device prevented falling in the event a supporting cable breaks. It was Otis' invention of the elevator brake that would eventually make living in skyscrapers possible.

Elisha graves Otis invent the elevator brake?

He built it because if there weren't a brake to stop it then we would fall all the way down and not get back up and that's why he built the elevator brake so we can go up and down and also stop

Why did Elisha Otis invent the safety brake?

Because he wanted something that would be safe for the passangers that would go into the elevator