Until you drive so long your petrol tank is empty.
30.77 kilometers per gallon in the cityWith one gallon of petrol in your tank, you'll be able to drive for 30.77 km.66.00 kilometers per gallon on the roadWith one gallon of petrol in your tank, you'll be able to drive for 66.00 km.
A full tank of petrol is worth as much as a full tank of petrol in any other car.
Depends on the size of said tank. Or if you are talking about a military tank then it depends on which tank you are talking about.
Assuming that you add petrol to your tank, either you're driving it farther than it can go on the amount of petrol in your tank, or there is a leak from the tank.
Some collective nouns to use for petrol are a tank of petrol, a can of petrol, a container of petrol.
In the petrol tank. Under passenger seat is opening to tank.
yes it can. only if you drive carefully IE you don't brake hard or accelerate quickly .
enough petrol to get you to a petrol garage anywhere in the UK
Petrol tanks are NOT a standard size.
A fish can disappear from a tank if it jumps out, is eaten by another fish, or if it dies and decomposes quickly.
your best bet is to drain it, it would be easier if it was the other way round, petrol into diesel but it not. either drive it to your nearest garage or pump it out by hand.