In order to get your car insured, you must visit an insurance company and apply for a car insurance policy. Be sure to shop around so that you can get the best deal on a car insurance policy.
A car can be registered and insured by a number of people. Usually they are one and the same. A car can be insured with having it registered to you if you would like to drive it.
Not one of your own-generally you are insured by the owner's policy if you are using someone else's car (with permission)
A new car is not insured unless you insured it. You can insure a car before you pick it up, but if you don't it isn't insured.
Your car is not insured unless you purchase insurance for it.
Only if the insured car was at fault.
Whether the car is insured is not important, the point is who was at fault in causing the accident, it could be the person whose car is insured that is at fault.
We need to know what he's insured for. If he's insured to drive the car, then yes. If he's insured with life insurance, then no. But normally it's the car that carries the insurance.
They are insured as passengers they are not insured to drive it
Yes, you can purchase as many policies as you want.
If you're liscensed, and have permission from the person under which the car is insured, you are able to drive the car if it is insured even if you yourself are not insured