VIN (Vehicle Indentification Number) is a an unique serial number of the vehicle. It can be found in insurance policy. It is also displayed on the dashboard on the driver's side of the vehicle.
There is no vin number located anywhere on the frame of a 69 impala
The Vin number is usually located on the side of the driver side door.
You will find the VIN number in the neck of the frame. Engine number, the vin is on the neck but as a dirt bike it may not have an engine #
Sounds like an engine number. A vin is a 17 digit number you will find on your head tube.
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Eaisiest way to find out is get the VIN number off the jeep & call a Chrystler dealership & they can tell you by the VIN number.
With the vin number on the steering head tube,
should be the last 6 of the VIN
in the door jam
try, or and enter the VIN number then pay