The kill switch interupts the spark to the spark plug and stops the eingine.
The KILL switch is in series with the ignition switch. When the KILL switch is open, the bike will not start.
The whole point of a kill switch is to disable your car so no one can steal it. if anyone knows the location of the kill switch they can steal your car. so... you get me?
there is no factory kill switch. is there an after market security system on the car?
car will not start
It is totally dependant on whether the onboard computer is programmed to be required to reboot? If so, most likely not by a layperson. If not, and you know how to reverse engineer the electrical, it may be possible to bypass the kill switch.
There are NO FACTORY kill switches on any Chrysler car
Not unless someone put one on the car.
yes my friend own one and his had kill switch locate above the right rear tire inside the car.
Try replacing the kill switch relay.
It does not have a kill switch.It does not have a kill switch.
What kill switch and on what make, model, and year car? I need some more information to help you. If you are talking about the fuel pump kill switch it is normally located in the trunk.
I don't think your car has one.