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I work in the insurance field, and we have learned that the Youthful Operator licensed less than one year just means they are a brand new driver. In some states, there is a surcharge that is assessed to the policy because of this. The reason being is that she is an inexperienced driver and is more at risk than anyone. I'm not sure why your policy was cancelled because of this.

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Q: How does insurance work when the principal operator has less than one year of licensed driving experience?
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Is your licensed daughter an adult that is living elsewhere? If so then yes. If your daughter is a youthful operator that you are not listing on the policy to avoid paying extra premium then you may be guilty of insurance fraud in the form of premium evasion of an undisclosed youthful operator.

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If they're caught, your car may be impounded, and it will certainly be reported to your insurance company, who will increase your insurance rate because of it.Added: . . . and, if you allowed it, you could be charged with 'Permitting an Un-Licensed Operator" to drive.

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Your local telephone directory will have listings for all aspects of insurance. If you experience difficulty or cannot access a telephone directory, your local telephone operator should be able to offer assistance.

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