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it is called combustion

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Q: How does gas make your car go?
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What make a car go forward?

Fuel in other words Gas.

What does the driver press to make a car go faster?

A driver presses the gas!

Is a small hybrid car the best way to go for lower gas costs?

Yes, a small hybrid car seems to be the way to go if you want to lower your gas mileage. There are sevaral website that can help you make an accurate decision about a hybrid car.

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If you use wrong gas in car can that make car smell like gas?

probably not you have a gas line leak

2004 Chevrolet Tahoe...Car ran out of gas and wont restart up.?

If you already put gas on the car and still don't start you need to put a little gas on the gas filter. That make the car start right away. Is because it take a while fot the gas to go up went the car was totaly dry. Try it work...

Will my car alarm go off if someone tries to sifon gas out of my tank?

Your car alarm light go off, if someone tries to siphon gas out of the gas tank, depending upon the type of car alarm you have. Some car alarms go off whenever the car is touched.

Does a nitro RC car go faster or a gas RC car?

i have both and my nitro gas goes faster than the gas

What are the first things you should do before starting your car?

#1 have someplace to go #2 have a car #3 make sure there is enough gas to get you there or a petrol station.

Why does your car smells like gas on the inside?

make be there is a gas leak

How many miles can a car go on one tank of gas?

it depends on the car