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Seat belt law is nation wide and In my state it works as no seat belt on when not driving only the passenger it is $80.00 and this mark is added to your drivers lice. should you own a car and get this ticket you get not only the fine for not having it on you now also get insurance increase. You have a higher payment now then you did before. It is the same no matter what kind of ticket you get, you get a insurance increase

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Q: How does driving without a seatbelt effect your insurance in GA?
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In Washington does a seatbelt ticket effect your insurance?

My lawyer advised me that seatbelt tickets do not count against you for your license as far as points go and that insurance should not be affected.

If a friend without insurance driving your car gets a ticket for jumping a red light will your insurance go up?

If the ticket was issued to his name then NO, it will not effect your insurance rate.

Do safety belt violations effect insurance?

yes, any ticket will add points to your licence (i think a seatbelt ticket only adds one or two) and your insurance goes by the points on your licence

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Your driving record is still your driving record regardless of what you were driving when you got the ticket.

Will points on your driving record effect your auto insurance?

Most likely the answer is Yes they will.

What happens if other driver was at fault but l have license suspended and no insurance?

You will be punished for the violations that you have for driving with a suspended license and for driving without insurance. These punishments will be severe but vary from state to state. The violations on your part will not effect the fault of the accident and if the other party is truly at fault then their insurance company will pay for your damages incurred in the accident.

Will receiving a possession of alcohol ticket effect insurance rates?

No, because you were not driving.

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No.I used to work for an insurance company.The only records we can access are your driving records. Such as DUI's and traffic violations.So if you got busted drinking underage..don't worry.It doesn't effect your auto insurance

If you only have a driver's permit and are ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt in someone else's car will your insurance be raised?

"If you only have a driver's permit and are ticketed for not wearing a seatbelt in someone else's car will your insurance be raised?" It depends on how your state treats seat belt violations. In most states they are not entered on your record so they will have no effect on your insurance. In other states they are entered and may cause a slight insurance increase but it will be negligble compared to a speeding ticket. lwpat

Do no insurance tickets effect your insurance rate in Washington state?

It depends on the insurance company. Progressive dings you for it. I just dont understand why they would. If your violation is no insurance then how does that reflect your driving habits. The sheer fact of having insurance negates that type of moving violation.

What factors determine commercial vehicle insurance rates?

The type of vehicle and its sotred location will have a big effect on insurance cost. Your insurance price may also be affected by the driving history of the employees that will drive the vehicles.

Can a police officer stop you in the state of Alabama for not wearing a seatbelt?

Yes, the police in Alabama can stop you for not wearing a seatbelt. You are required by law to wear a seatbelt in the front seat of a moving vehicle. The law went into effect in 1991.