If you put leaded gas in an engine that is designed to run on unleaded gas, while the engine will run, it will not run optimally and you will ruin the catalytic converter.
Nothing car will run poorly if at all until new gas is ran thru the engine.
it is a old time gas Engine.
NO! Don't attempt it. Don't run diesel in your gas engine and don't run gas in your diesel engine! It will cause your engine to run improperly with loss of power and lots of white or blue smoke. It will clog your engine and if you run it with the wrong fuel too long, will result in complete engine failure.
Iodine in a gas tank will run the engine. It will cause rust, and will corrode the engine to the point that the engine will seize.
An engine of that era would run better on leaded gas.
damage engine no.. will the engine run no.
The engine needs fuel to run. The car needs you to run it.
yes. In order for the engine to run, it needs both O2 and gas. If it doesnt get one or the other, it wont run
Gasoline engines cannot run on diesel. Only a diesel engine can run diesel. And a diesel engine cannot run on gasoline.
It absolutly can. if the tank was not filled up prior to to sitting condensation will form causing water to mix with fuel. even a small amount of moisture can cause the engine to run rough.
Makes it hard to start and run poorly.