a jet ski uses the water its in to cool the engine through various hoses wich pass through its engine. if its a closed loop system, it uses a radiator in much the same way as a car. the same water/antifreez is constantly cooled by the radiator.
It is not recommended to start a jetski out of water as it can cause damage to the engine. Jetskis are designed to operate in water to keep the engine cool and lubricated. Starting a jetski out of water can lead to overheating and other mechanical issues.
The 750 STS Kawasaki Jetski uses 2 cycle engine oil. 2 cycle engine oil is specifically made for use in jetskis.
on top the intake on the case
The control valve purpose is only to release any water from the crankcase if the jetski has been underwater, and water got into the engine.
try hooking up the hose to he jetski
I believe a standard 550 Jetski motor has 31HP. In actuality, it depends upon the year. HP ratings continued to improve as engine upgrades were rolled out.
If my recollection is correct, jet skis use the seawater to cool the engine, so you're looking at overheating the engine and not going anywhere, because the water is also used to propel the vehicle... you'll be void of that, plus you won't be able to overcome the friction of the road or whatever surface you're on.
Well although the way you go about installing a jet ski engine in an aluminum boat is a bit different from a wooden boat, this site should help you out with the basic idea, youll just have to experiment a bit to find a solution. http://www.glen-l.com/jetski/jetjon-index.html (once on the site click on type of jetski your using)
You need a boater's license and a jetski license in order to operate s jetski legally.
The average price of a Yamaha jetski watercraft is about $12,000 excluding the onces that are sold secondhand. Prices can be found online on the Yamaha waverunners website where different variety categories of jetski can be found with different price ranges.