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The result of the crash will be higher insurance rates. The rates will increase by a lot if your son is young.

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Q: How does a crash impact car insurance?
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What does the company Car Crash Line do?

A Car Crash Line provides a emergency service to contact your insurance company to inform them about the car crash that happened and they will explain in detail.

How do airbags trigger in a car crash?

Impact sensors

Do you need insurance when the car is off the road and not in use?

No, unless you crash it.

What do you think of when you hear the word impact?

I immediately think of a car crash.

How do people die in car crashes?

The force of impact from the crash kills them.

Is car insurance necessary?

if you are going to crash a car then it is probably a good idea but if you aren't then you're fine.

Do you need car insurance if you are a co-signer on the car?

yes you do because i you crash the car it would be on the other persons ins

What is a car's most sensitive part to crash?

The side impact zones is the most sensitive part of a car crash. There have been many improvements include most new cars have an option for side impact air bags.

What are some factors that impact the cost of car insurance?

There are several factors that impact the cost of car insurance. These include: your age, your driving record and they type of coverage you buy.

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if i was backing out of my own driveway and slid on ice and hit a relatives car will my insurance go up

Why is car insurance costly for teens?

Because they have just learnt to drive and insurance companies believe they are more likely to crash.

Can you crash your car so the insurance will pay it off?

That would be insurance fraud. WikiAnswers does not promote or support illegal acts.