Depends on how the lifter has failed. In most all cases you will have loss of power and there may or may not be a ticking or tapping noise. There will be a "misfire" in the cylinder that has the bad lifter, There is loss of fuel economy. The car will fail emissions testing.
Lack of oil changes.
a car lifter or a motor lifter
In most cases, you can tell that your lifters are bad, in your car engine, by the ticking noise. A bad lifter will make a tapping sound.
Rocker arms dont break. Pushrods bend and lifters malfunction, but rocker arms rarely if ever go bad. A bad lifter will make an obnoxious taptaptap noise. A bent lifter will cause significant backfiring through the carb or fuel induction system.
on a 98 ford taurus what are the symptoms of a bad hydralic valve lifter
You can't fix a bad lifter, replace the bad lifter with a new one.
Low oil level or pressure Hydraulic lifter bad
This is a toughie. First you have to decide which lifter it is then pull the rocker cover and find the rocker arm that has play in it. Then look at the lifter and where the push rod rides should be stuck down further in the lifter bore than the rest. Or press down on the inside and if it goes down over 1/8 inch and is springy the lifter is bad.
there is no common part on a snowblower known as a lifter, more info is needed
yes, if its ticking bad and you like the engine, get it fixed
with the rocker cover removed, try pushing down on the pushrod end of the rocker arm. if it moves ,the lifter is bad
poor pick up not running smoothly