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There is no specific way that a VIP would sit in a car. They would most likely sit like any other person.

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Q: How does a VIP sit in a car?
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Can fans sit in the VIP section?

Yes but you need a VIP pass

What is a vip pass?

You get to go backstage, sit up front and meet them (maybe )

Do we set in the car?

No, we sit in the car.

How do you get in a car?

Open the door and sit down in the sit.

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you have to be 80 lbs to not sit in a Car Seat.

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To sit

Where do VIP ticketholders sit on stagefloor?

It depends. Each concert is set up differently, by the band and by the promoter. Often, there is a special area up-front near the stage reserved for VIPs, but in other cases, the VIP section is a little farther back. In nearly all cases, VIP seats tend to be closer to the performers. If you are a VIP ticket-holder, you should be able to see a diagram of the concert hall which shows where you will be sitting.

Can you get me free vip weewold?

i need vip i don't have vip i need vip :( i do

Do we sit in a car?

Yes, you do sit in a car.Cars are too small to stand up in.

Name a car that you usually sit in the back?

Cab or police car.

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Children usually have to be 12 years or older to sit in the front seat of a car

What is the legal age for children to sit without car sit?

6 years old.