"Bob carelessly stepped on the loose rock and twisted his ankle."
"Many people act carelessly when they are in familiar surroundings."
The gerund in the sentence is "driving carelessly," which is functioning as the subject of the sentence.
noun: street
He conducted the experiment carelessly.
The word is wrong. People carelessly say that something is wrong.
Bob carelesy stepped on the loose rock and twisted his ankle
The comparative form of "carelessly" is "more carelessly."
He decided to chuck his old shoes in the trash and buy a new pair.
I had to skimp through my work in order to finish in time.skimp(skmp)v. skimped, skimp·ing, skimpsv.tr.1. To deal with hastily, carelessly, or with poor material
One definition of drivel is to talk carelessly. A sentence using the word drivel could be, "Listening to drivel is a waste of time."
Carelessly is an adverb.